The University of Faisalabad held its 9th Convocation and 8th of University of Medical & Dental College on 20th November at which 1367 students from various disciplines were awarded degrees, Saleem (gold), Mukhtar (silver) and Amin (bronze) medals were awarded to brilliant students for their outstanding performances.
Mian Muhammad Hanif, nominee of Governor Punjab was the chief guest at the Convocation. Dr Asad Zaheer, nominee of University of Health Sciences, Lahore, also graced the occasion. Mr Muhammad Haider Amin, Chairman Board of Governors, TUF. Mian Muhammad Rasheed, Mr Muhammad Hamza Amin and Mr Muhammad Abu Bakar, Members Board of Governors, Prof (Meritorious) Dr Muhammad Khaleeq -ur-Rehman, Rector, Prof Dr Aamir Ali Choudhry, Principal University Medical & Dental College, Prof Dr Muhammad Akram Malik, Vice Principal UMDC, Deans, Heads of departments, faculty members students and parents were also present.
Dr Asad Zaheer, nominee of UHS, congratulated the graduates and wished them luck in their future endeavors also praised the Madina Foundation’s philanthropic services in the education and health sectors. While addressing the audience, Mr Muhammad Haider Amin congratulated the young graduates and briefed the audience about the remarkable performance of the university during the past 20 years. “It is the fulfillment of your aspirations as well as the dream of your parents”.
In his address, Dr Muhammad Khaleeq-ur-Rehman expressed his wholehearted felicitation to all graduating students on the successful completion of their studies and their inclusion as alumni of this university. While appreciating The University of Faisalabad’s 20 years of excellence, he said, during this short span of time, the university has achieved great milestones.
Mr Muhammad Hamza Amin gave thank-you note to the audience. Graduates took Oath to abide by the principles and obligations to serve in their respective fields. Faculty and staff members who rendered dedicated services to TUF, UMDC and MTH for ten years were also awarded medals and prizes. At the end of the event, parents’ affections and emotions were observed on the success of their beloved children.